Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Art and the Arts

In elementary school, art was my favorite subject.  Actually, it was always my favorite subject.  But, as you get older and farther along in school, it isn't around as much.  That is so sad.  I miss music too.  I played the violin starting in third grade at my elementary school.  I played all the way through high school.  There is no musical instrument instruction in elementary grades anymore, with the exception of a few hours with a recorder or drum in music class.
My first 4 years with CMS, I was involved in a program called ArtsTeach that was sponsored by the Arts and Science Council.  We got to go to a week-long workshop with yummy boxed lunches and watch people excel at their art: music, book-making, puppets, theater, instruments, storytelling, and even a mime.  Then, as a grade level we got to choose one of the teaching artists to come to our class during the year and incorporate their art into our curriculum.  Sadly, the funding for ArtsTeach came to an end.  But you know what?  I can do some of these things!
I know a little about music.  I am very crafty and can make different types of books and puppets.  I am a fairly decent artist.  And, hopefully, I have a new connection.  I was in touch with a woman from Clayworks in Charlotte.  We are currently playing phone tag, but she made me feel hopeful that we could form a partnership this year.  The kids LOVE working with clay!  I can't wait to make this happen.  If you have any artistic connections, let me know!
I also am going to try to recreate types of art from some of the countries that we "visit" during the Global Children's Challenge, and we will listen to music as well.  Maybe even try the food?  Only time will tell...
And sticking with the global theme, I am thinking a project where we mail things all over the world is in order.  Be thinking about some good global candidates!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

School Supplies!

School supplies are my super nerdy addiction.  I love a box of new Crayola crayons like nobody you ever knew!  I was completely giddy that Target had 40 cent composition books in both college ruled (for my high schooler) and wide ruled (for my 4th grader).  AND they were in different colors!  I bought them, even though we aren't even halfway through July, because the stores always seem to run out!  So, I thought I would add the Pineville 4th grade supply list so that you could access it easier, and know what you needed so you could shop the sales.  I will try to keep you updated when I find good prices on things. 

Fourth Grade
backpack (no wheels)
1 pencil pouch (no boxes)
4 glue sticks
1 package of Crayola colored pencils (8-16 count)
1 pocket folder without brads
6 pocket folders with brads
3 packs of #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils or pencil sharpeners)
1 pair of small, good quality scissors
2 packs of loose-leaf notebook paper
2 regular size boxes of tissues
5 black and white marbled composition books (not spiral)
2 bottles of hand sanitizer
2 post-it pads (3x3)
1 box of quart-sized Ziploc freezer bags (optional - gallon size as well)
1 box of disinfecting wipes
1 box of latex-free band aids 

Now, let me add this:

  • I use a lot more glue sticks during the year than the normal teacher.  I collect them from the kids and then give them out as needed.  This way they last a lot longer.  That being said, if you could send in a few more glue sticks and maybe not as many yellow pencils, I would be so thrilled!  (I had a very generous parent a few years back bring a ton of yellow pencils and I still have a small stockpile!)
  • I have NO problem with a pencil box as long as it is one of the smaller ones that will fit in the desk.  Some teachers really dislike them.  I just like everything to be in a place, so I am not particular.  A big zipper pouch works well too.  
  • Colored pencils are great!  However, so are markers and crayons!  I could never pick just one.  If your student can, any are fine.  But if they like all, they may bring all.  A box of 64 crayons might be a bit much...for school anyway.  At home, it is wonderful!
  • No, I don't care what type of folders or what colors or designs they are.  
  • Maybe just 1 pack of loose leaf paper...I have a lot.  (More glue sticks?)
  • 2 boxes of tissues are fine for now, but I might need to beg for more later in the winter!
  • B/W marbled composition books are fine, but I just bought 40 cent books that were marbled with pink, green, and yellow.  Cool!  If you want to pay more and get the iCarly or Hello Kitty kind, that is fine with me too.
  • Feel free to skip post-it notes, Ms. Londre left a bunch of them!  If you already bought them, no worries!  (Extra glue sticks?)
  • I like the gallon Ziploc bags.  Quart is good too. Given a choice, I guess I would prefer the bigger ones. 
Now that we have cleared that up, I do have a few things I would like to add.  I would like to do FROG binders again this year.  In order to do FROG binders, these are the things we will need:
  • 2 inch binder (color choice yours) with outside pocket.
  • pack of 5 sturdy (possibly plastic?) 3 ring dividers
  • spiral notebook with 3 holes
  • 3 hole pencil pouch
Start checking those weekly circulars for great deals and if you find something we should know about, leave a comment and I will get the word out!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Class pet, or not class pet...that is the question.

I like pets.  I have two dogs.  As a kid I was SO desperate for a pet that the first two things on my birthday list and Christmas list each year were:
1. Horse
2. Dog
I managed to get horse riding lessons and a...parakeet.  A parakeet?  I definitely did NOT ask for that.  I wanted something fun and furry.  A bird?  Not so much.  Pixie the parakeet lived until my first Thanksgiving home from college.  10 years.  Birds are messy and delicate and not a ton of fun.  Especially when your mom is making you run the Dustbuster under the cage three times a day.
I always assumed I would have a farm when I grew up.  Then, I spent two summers working as a counselor/wrangler at a summer camp.  Horses are a lot of trouble and a lot of work!  My mom always told me, "When you grow up you can have horses, dogs, cows, pigs, and whatever else you want.  You will be old enough to take care of them and clean up after them."  Ugh.  Mom, you were right!  I love my dogs.  But, they shed.  And, well, use the restroom in my backyard.  And they have bedding that adds to my never-ending piles of laundry.  But gosh darn!  I love those guys!
So, the question is...should I get a class pet?  I'm thinking a guinea pig.  They are pretty sturdy and not as fast or as clever as mice or hamsters.  Plus, I love how they squeal when you bring in a bag with veggies for them in the morning.  I had a guinea pig when I taught preschool, but the kids were really rough with him, so I brought him home.  I think the kids would really love the responsibility.  Oooh.  Such a hard decision!  Parents, what do you think?